I sorry but i still disagree with you CNC. Your option 3 is just not correct! YOUR saying that the 2000 dollars is payed for trapping and your only getting more does. That is a lie. Thats like saying does only give birth to doe fawns and not buck fawns. At leats 50% of the fawns would be buck fawns correct? BhamFred stated that in his rehab of deer that 2 of 3 were button bucks< from does> so over 50% are buck fawns correct? I understand trigger control= i practice it on does, but if dont see the value of having 50% more bucks i dont know what to say? Think of you option 3, like this= 10 members add 1 more member that is a proffessional trapper that will trap for hunting rights instead of 2000 dollars.