Originally Posted By: jlbuc10

Originally Posted By: shooters
Because its both. I am not an expert but think its 50-50 .It depends on the place you are at . Cattle counrty coyotes , differ from north alabma hunting club and south alabama hunting club coyotes. I think we have lost sight on what is most important to 80% of the people on here. Getting more deer! I ask the question again who doesnt want MORE? Plus your saving fawns lives by trapping at the right time of year when YOU can make a difference

This is an argument for another time but to answer your question. No I don't want more deer. I want bigger stronger healthier deer.
I understand what your saying. I want both thought. Let me explain that statement. I am usually in 2 or 3 different hunting clubs every year. In jackson county my coyote problems are different thatn in central alabama. So basicly i admit to wanting 2 differnt things. In another spot in ST.clair county were i hunt deer density is extremely low, their for my main concern is taking out coyotes and saving as many fawns as possible . I want both more deer and stronger healthier deer! I think by an over all trapping, summer time food plots, feeding pellets, and by ONLY shooting 4 year old bucks i can accomplish my goals. I didnt say habitat improvement because , i cant do that. Im in multiple clubs and other smaller pieces of owned and leased lands so every piece of ground is different as far as coyote controll.