Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Where are all the 'stand-togetherer's' when it comes to dog deer hunting; or legalizing hog/dog hunting on OUR OWN Public Lands; or, any other number of scenarios that are currently on-going????

Isn't it strange that when you don't give a rat's a$$ about people's Rights that you still get offended when people don't care about your's??

I'll keep my suppressors on my land. You keep your dogs on your land. Will YOU "stand together" with the rest of us on that?

I firmly believe that a double gallows should be constructed on the East Lawn of The White House. Politicians who willfully and shamelessly violate their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America should be swiftly tried and, upon conviction, publicly hanged at sunup the day after conviction. If multiple convicts are to be hanged they can choose with whom to share the gallows or names shall be drawn from the hangman's hat to be hanged 2 at a time.

NRA Life Member