I have zero experience with fawns. But you contradict your self in your own argument. You say the fawns that get eaten are randomly selected just like the lotto, but then You say the mother has an affect on the fawns survival. How can both of these be true. Is it completely lotto random or are there other factors that go into which fawns get preyed upon. I guess you don't believe in natural selection. Is it not natural preditory instinct to target the weak where the predator has less of a chance at injuring itself vs going after the strongest animal in the herd? This doesn't come from here or a camp fire. I learned this straight out of a zoological text book, this was some years ago though so my facts might be off. Listen I don't want a pissing match with you it just seems like the smart thing for a predator to do would be to target the "lesser" animals in a herd. Maybe yotes are dumb and don't care about their personal safety

Like I said I have no educational background with the yote deer relationship. I'm just saying that if the normal predator prey relationships exist predators prey on the weak and only the strongest prey survive.