When you look at the end result, in most situations, coyotes are controlling total deer populations in the same manner as our doe harvesting as hunters have done in the past. You can say they are eating buck fawns or whatever you want to make it sound worse but in the end they are just controlling total population. Doe harvesting is the same, its just a means of controlling total deer populations. Over the next decades to come, coyotes are something we will have to learn to manage with and not believe that we can manage in the absence of. If you believe that they’re aren’t enough deer in your area then the #1 way of changing anything is through improving the habitat for deer and more specifically for fawning. The next step is to reduce your doe harvesting. On the other end of the spectrum, if there are satisfactory numbers of deer in your area and you are more interested in hunting mature bucks on your land and not having to spend half your hunts blasting does……then just allow the coyote to do its job of keeping your herd in check and under carrying capacities. The coyote is just a alternative population control tool to doe harvesting in this manner. The important thing is to recognize the level of impact that all parties in the circle are having on each other. It’s much easier to work with nature than to fight completely against it.

Last edited by CNC; 05/07/14 02:33 AM.

We dont rent pigs