CNC are you high on CRACK???? Professional ADC coyote trappers know when, what time of year to take -out the alfa/ and beta females!!!! You said trapping causes the remain coyotes to become prolific breeders of pups?? You must be HIGH ON CRACK!!! You know nothing about coyote trapping! Only the alpha and sometimes in large packs the beta female are ALLOWED to breed. This means a smart PRO trapper can come in and trap the female with pups and make a significant diffence in the coyote/pup equation. You are correct on somethings but YOUR lack of how valueable trapping is makes me mad as HELL!!! Im not talking about Billy -Bob wantabbee trapper. Im talking about someone that KNOWS that coyotes breed in febuary. Someone that knows about a 63 day gestration period for female coyotes. Im talking about someone that knows that ONLY the alpha and sometimes beta females breed and how to set traps accordingly to target those females. Mark June a great trapper and biologist has wrote books and done reseach on this topic if anyone wants to see for themselves how WRONG CNC really is!To say that trapping does no good is dumb! Coyotes dont breed like rabbits! Read about the alpha/beta female coyote anywhere on the internet an you will see how dumb CNC statement trully is!