BULL CRAP!!! The minute you stop trapping coyotes dont run from 20 miles away to come to your property. CNC is trying to twist the facts to make it sound like ONLY habitat munipulation is the only way to go! I agree you need to do both. But everyone is trying to get more deer. So if you want to increase the carrying capacity you must have a predator management plan. You = CNC = have no idea about deer management/coyote removal as a process. You only have what you have read. Here is the problem. Every manager of deer from alabama to texas wants more, thropy deer! High end clubs and pay for hunt have been doing predator management for years. It works but the price is often past on to the customer. Now in alabama= texas style management is being applied to the coyote problem. Texas= as an example has lots of supplimental feeding, so the habitat and carring capacity must be elevated, along with proper coyote control. CNC is making out like trapping is absolutely worthless. You must keep trapping, just like you must keep planting summer and winter plots. Most game managers realize that trapping is just another tool to be used to ELEVATE the hunting game. So you can do like CNC says and JUST improve the habitat and have a normal deer heard, or you can inprove the habitat and do predator control and really see good sized deer numbers increase. So what do yall want? Do nothing and have the same low deer numbers or get busy trapping and have better deer hunting? I think CNC is anti-trapping for some reason. I dont know why. Trapping works but must be done every year just like planting foodplots. Dont give up!! Trap, shoot,and kill every coyote you see!!!

Last edited by shooters; 05/06/14 07:12 AM.