YOU have no idea what you are talking about, thats the asd part!! You have heard from BhamFred= gamewarden/ Nighthunter= Biologist and several ohers in the know, but you have you might Graphs and Charts! Can you not see the difference in SCDNC studies and the real world? Their are millions of dollars spent on coyotes studies every year. More money is spent on coyote reserch than an other species. Grant Woods and someone from QDMA did a study in georgia on trapping, the results were much more favoratible than the bleck ones that CNC has show on here. Also studies in Utah and Texas show great results from trapping. The FDA has spent millions on coyote resarch and pamplets that show how people can controll coyotes. Many, Many, mant states have government trappers= do you think that they are wasteing their time? CNC has no real world experience in predator controll, he simply uses charts . What you must understand about this is every location =state has different results, so a SCDNC study may not apply to YOUR situation or land! The we cant do anything about it attitude makes me sick! I think CNC is a coyote loving PETA member! I do not disagree about the prey= to predator relation ship. I dp disagree on the YOU cant do anything about it bullcrap!