Frankie, BhamFred, you guys are correct. CNC doesnt know what he is talking about, he is only using graphs to show his point of view. CNC has no real time Expereince in trapping. The 100 dollars a coyote is on the high end, but considering that gasoline is 3.60 a gallon and it getting to be hot weather is not always that bad of a deal. Many states like Utah have a 50 dollar bounty on coyotes. Alabama cattlemens association , members in some countys have 20-25 dollar bountys. Just because CNC thinks 100 dollars is unreasonable doent mean its the wrong thing to do. As i said before their are many other options. You can talk to a Gamewarden, biologist, DNRC, or forester and someone will beable to get you a good professional trapper. I think Charlie or someone on here was talking about a county= DNCR trapping work shop. Point is why give up, unless CNC is a PETA lover of coyotes? You can get lots of professional trappers to swap hunting rights for coyote trapping! 100 dollars is just a high end number i put out there, but if i have to drive 100 miles to check traps its not unrealistic. As i have said before some trapper charge a set-up fee or 150-250 dollars, i just work out a flat rate= per coyote. You dont listen to CNC and PETA. Dont listen to them because they would have you pull - a skirt up over your head and do nothing!