First of all, in alabama a coyote will not have 15 coyotes, no matter how good the prey. About 8 is the max. i have seen, and i have trapped 191 coyotes in a single year. I have trapped all over alabama. Shoot everyone you see, it cannot hurt anything. But to trully help your deer heard you MUST takeouy 80% plus , every year on coyote population! IF you quit after say year 3, the population can increase to the point of being more than when you started. I have trapped for lots of high end deer managers, cattle farmers, and biologists. The main thing people dont understand is the COST! If you want coyotes gone you must hire a professional trapper! Some jack leg, that thinks he can trap will not do you any good! You must also pay good money to get rid of them. Most great trapper charge 150-250 set-up fee and 50 a coyote, also mileage. So a flat fee of 100 dollars a coyote is about average. Now thats for a TRUE professional, no BillBob the want-abe-trapper. I quess my rant is everyone wants coyotes gone, but they dont want them gone bad enough to pay a REAL trapper 100 dollars a piece for them! Bottom line if you want coyotes gone get the best you can find to trap them, pay the money, and you can get them gone.

Last edited by shooters; 05/05/14 11:51 AM.