Originally Posted By: jawbone
Yes, any LEO with arrest powers can enforce game laws, but it is always best to let those that do it everyday and are intimately familiar with the laws and case law do it.

I know I'm jacking my own thread, but in my personal experience, I have encountered some GW's that dont seem to know any more about game laws than I do.

Specifically, one instance comes to mind. At one time on Lake G, a 12" spot was legal. It is now 15". I caught a GW out at a gas station in Scottsboro one day. I asked him if the legal size limit was 12 or 15". He said he would need the book to make sure. I pulled one out of the truck seat and handed it to him. He had the deer in the headlights look. He didnt know where to find it in the book and just told me he didnt know.

I also had one accuse me of raking up acorns to bait deer. One of the club members called Jacksonville and they just laughed. Said we were just making that up because no GW would be dumb enough to make that statement. Hummm.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?