Buy (cheap) 3 - 5' x 16' cattle panels and 6 - 5' T-posts.

With bolt cutters, split each panel in half lengthwise. This split will be right down the middle of a joint. So, it will leave 3" tines on each side. Now, you have 6 panels with one side 'spiked'.

6 x 16 = 96 & 96/3.14 = 30.5

So, you can build a 30' diameter circle around your feeder. Drive a stake with a 15' sting on it right where you want your feeder. Pull the string tight straight away from stake and place 1st post there. Take tie-wire and attach 1st piece of wire, tines down, to that post. Move to opposite end of wire and repeat with string, placing post at intersection of string and panel. Repeat this until you have formed a complete circle.

Now, you have a 26"-30" high fence in a 30' circle. Depending on how bad the hogs are in your area, you 'may' have to come back and place posts between each existing post. BUT, the flexibility of the wire actually helps prevent the hogs from climbing, or jumping in. The deer should hop in and out with ease, though.

With the current prices at Tractor Supply, you should be able to do this for under $100.

I accept invitations to come catch the hogs with my dogs as payment for my advice!! LOL smile

Last edited by Hogwild; 04/22/14 05:59 AM.