Originally Posted By: Drake322
I saw this with my own eyes. When I was little, we had a red bird in our bay window pecking on it for several days. Momma told us that there would be a death in the family soon. Couple days after the bird left, my step-grandmother died.

Sad to say that we are loosing some of these older sayings and remedies.

Sorry to hear about your step-grandmom . Its funny you mention about the bird pecking on the window...about 3 years ago we had this finch/oriole/ something or other that would fly right up to our bedroom window and because he would see his reflection of himself, he would try to attack what he thought was another bird,...I guess it was mating season for them because it was mid springtime. Well this got really really old after about 5 days of this crap,especially before you would wake up in the morning!! He would actually be loud enough to get me up outta bed. Sooooo,.. I reckon the ol saying is somewhat right cause after 5 days of that chit I got my Benjamin 22 pump pellet rifle out and that very same bird did in fact die that same day!! lol