My phobia is rodents of any kind from little pinky's to hamsters but especially mice and rats.I hate to say it but if put in the wrong situation I would probably hurt my own mother to get away from a rat.I just kinda lose all sense of reasoning when I see one.I actually packed up and moved out of a rental house one time because I saw rat chit inna drawer.I paid the termination fee and went on my way.The landlord was really nice and offered to have a pest guy come out.I just couldnt do it after having knowledge that the critters were there.My dad says whats freaky is I will go out of my way to catch a snake-any kind-but I'm scared to death of a mouse.

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation,whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life;of whom shall I be afraid?