Originally Posted By: JTapia
Originally Posted By: Clem
The facts are that a Pit bull killed someone on average of every 18 days last year and over 56% of those deaths were children under the age of 7. Pit bulls make up 6% of the dog population yet account for 81 percent of the fatalities from dogs.

But they're misunderstood, gentle and don't hurt anyone.

... a dog whose breed rips apart terrified, innocent children or adults who can't defend themselves, giving their last moments on earth an unbelievable hell of ripping flesh and the blood running from their cooling bodies crumpled in a heap as these gentle misunderstood dogs stand by ready to rip and tear again.

And you got this information whose link doesn't even show a Pit Bull in the Pic. They show a White English Bulldog,.....not even a Terrier. See what I mean...not misunderstood dogs at all. Mis-identified to be made to look more dangerous than they are.

Correct 6% of the population yet 81% of MIXED BREED Pits. Read the stories and not the headlines!! Geez I cant believe hoe gullible you guys are. No wonder we are losing the war on our rights.

Where are you seeing a white english bulldog on that link?The only dog pic i see is a blue pit with the kid it killed laying on it.I have had 2 english bulldogs and I'll tell ya,if thats the only dog i gotta worry bout getting tore apart by i aint real worried.Them damn dogs are to retarded to even know how to bite somebody.