I'll tell you guys again....you are wasting your breath.

They refuse to see the risk regardless of their "experience".

And yes, if you look at most pit owners....you will see some common behavior traits.

Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: JTapia
Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: JTapia
Grew up with Pits. One would babysit while Dad was in Vietnam and Mom was at work. I have owned half dozen over the years and never, ever have I had a biting incident. These were pets, family members and had nothing to do with self esteem, what kinda croc was that to come up with?

I do however, have scars on my face from a chihuahua and my daughter as a mark on her shoulder from a chihuahua. Using you guys logic I guess I'd be happy seeing that chihuahua breed wiped from the face of the earth.

Of course I don't feel that way about a breed of dog. I also don't feel that Guns should be banned because a few irresponsible adults allow their firearms to be gotten ahold of by kids who then kill themselves or another kid.

You just don't get it. A gun is always safe until someone makes it unsafe. many of these pit stories involve a dog that was very loving until it decided to kill. If I ever heard one story about a gun loading itself and killing a child all on it's own. I would get rid of all my guns immidiently. Guns are completely predictable. From all statistics Pit bulls are not.

I don't let my kids play with guns just because they have never been shot with a gun before. I realize and recognize the potential for danger. If Pit owners did the same a lot of innocent children would be alive today.

Instead they say, no, my gun isn't dangerous at all, the kids play with it all the time. In fact I leave it unattended in the yard because I know it's completely harmless. Never mind all the children that have been killed by guns before, mine is different. "I substituted gun for Pit Bull to make the point."

I absolutely "get it".

In my experience there is absolutely no reason to believe that a Pit Bull is any more dangerous than any other Terrier
type dog. In actuality, in my experiences, chihuahuas are the more dangerous breed of Dog. So is this damn cat!!! I do not currently own a pit but I would not hesitate to own another one if "that" one were to pop up somewhere.

As for your little analogy you can insert Car, Truck, tractor, Mini Blind cords, or any number of things that are inherently dangerous to children when left unattended. As you noted these things are inanimate but are no less dangerous around children than a Dog, any dog. You can't "ride" any dog without the possibility of a bite, you cant Pull the ears, tail or nads of any dog without the fear of a bite. Same goes for punches to the face, stepping on paws, etc...etc...

There are always those dogs that are trained to "git em" and those then become weapons much the same as a gun and no matter how they are around kids they are unsafe because they have been trained to react aggressively, that is the same with any dog, not just the Pit Bull.

I'll also add the for the record, most dog attacks attributed to "Pit Bulls" aren't even Pit Bulls but are instead any number of breeds that favor the American Pit Bull Terrier. Kinda like the "Assault Weapon", looks like one so it must be one and as dangerous as one. The dog pictured on the webpage that is linked to start this thread is not even a Pit Bull. That is a White English Bull Dog. A Pit Bull doesn't have a head that big. It would help the cause if yall would even know what kind of dog you want annihilated. Come on guys you are acting on emotion and not facts or experience.

No sir, you are acting on emotion, the emotion of trust in your dog. The facts are that a Pit bull killed someone on average of every 18 days last year and over 56% of those deaths were children under the age of 7. Pit bulls make up 6% of the dog population yet account for 81 percent of the fatalities from dogs.To dismiss those facts is not rational behavior. It is behavior based on emotion and as such you will rationalize and dismiss all evidence that doesn't agree with your fantasy.

I'm sure your dog has so far been a loving family member and as such you feel loyalty toward it. I do understand that, but I strongly urge you to do the research for yourself with an open mind and read all the stories told by horrified family members telling how their beloved family pet, raised by them turned into a monster and killed their precious child.