No more dead birds for me this past week. Here's the recap, since I know you're all very interested.
Took my nephew Wed - Fri in Lamar Co to a my club to try and get him his first turkey. Wed AM I called up a big bird to 45 yards (he wasn't coming closer, and I called my nephew off). Just before he stepped into my lane, he saw something he didn't like and walked directly away from us. We moved and setup on some more birds shortly after, but they weren't leaving hens. We camped out on a greenfield that afternoon from noon til dark - nothing. Thurs AM, we couldn't ever get close enough to work any of the 8 birds we heard. More uneventful deer hunting Thurs PM. Fri AM was a downpour, so we didn't hunt. I had to leave that camp for a meeting at my club in Sumter Co, so no hunting Fri PM either. Sat AM traveled back to Lamar, no good that evening. I get setup and worked a bird off the roost Sun AM. He came in perfect to 35 yards. And then my gun misfired... needless to say, he's still alive. Went back to camp to get my 20ga that actually works. Sun PM camped out on another field for several hours, and surprise... Nothing. Mon AM setup and work 3 birds to within 100yds, but they wouldn't come the last little bit. Got on another bird around 9AM, walked forever to get to him, only to find out he was on the neighbors' place. Drank heavily Mon PM. Tues AM, back to work...

"No, I'm not a good shot, but I shoot often."
- Teddy Roosevelt