Originally Posted By: bigt
I hate I missed this thread too. All I have to say about it is I have spoken to Chad a few times over the year by phone and he seems to be a good family guy that knows his hunting. I did not see whatever avatar he had put up, but really wouldn't matter either. Sometimes people around here do not know when to let up and tend to push people to far. We sometimes run otherwise good people off this site by saying and doing things we probably would not do face to face. That being said lets have fun, but try to be aware of when it is going to far.....

If a grown man cant take a lil ribbing here and there all in good fun then he needs to unzip his pants and check whats between his legs.We were all kidding with him and he went on a cussing rampage.Family man or not nobody should cuss that much on a site kids do visit.I cuss like a sailor but i try to keep it down on here cause of the kids.He may be a great person,in person but on here he came off as a over confident prick with to much roids in his system.