I kinda had a frustrating day myself, though nothing like Atoler. I heard some birds, but not much gobbling on the ground. Had some hens (and whatever else was with them) coming in and a trespasser come walking right through my property yelping on a mouth call, cutting on a box, and then gobbling at himself with some kind of contraption. He ran those birds off and another one that had just started gobbling up the mountain a little bit around 8:00. I could have killed one yesterday evening as I got in front of a group headed to roost, but I could only see his head and was afraid he would end up being a jake. I usually go at least 3 days during the week, but I won't be going any this week. Will be Saturday before I go again. Good luck if ya'll get out this week!

"The only reason I shoot a 3.5" shell for turkeys is because they don't make a 4" one." - t123winters