I absolutely loathe going in Wally World , and avoid doing so most of the time.
I got a line on some ammo they "found" as I was leaving work at 3:00 today. (They actually had some decent .40 cal ball ammo).
I stop by there , buy the ammo and quickly make an exit by the garden section.
As I'm almost to my vehicle , a 4 door sedan painted a nice purple color , rolling on VERY large wheels and blasting some kind of damn jungle anthem with some serious base and every filthy , disgusting word that could come out of anyone's mouth pulls into the empty space on my drivers side. There's three democrats in the car. No surprise.

Here's where I lost my cool.
Not only did they not turn off that crap , they rolled all of their windows all the way down and turn this crap up even louder !!! Me being the calm , easy going guy I am.....

Before I continue , keep in mind the parking lot was pretty crowded with wimmens and children coming and going.

I walk up to HIS drivers side from the front so he can see me coming. (I had already slipped my hand under my welding shirt). I motioned to him to get his attention. By this time the music instantly shut off. I say these exact words :
"HEY ! When you pull into a parking lot full of kids , can you not be courteous and turn that CHIT off ?"

To my surprise , he says ,"yessir , I'm sorry I didn't even think about dat , my bad !"
Naturally I'm confused now. I think I'm guilty of profiling. I assumed these kids were going to get mouthy and no telling what else. They were as courteous as any kid I've ever spoken with.
I'm going to answer my own question.
No , I was not wrong for asking them to turn their music off. I think if more people would speak up , maybe , just maybe , the world would be less one sided.

I was just surprised at how nice and polite they were after rolling up in there like Snoop Dog.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.