Ive CC'd from the time I turned 21.

My work takes me to some very bad neighborhoods at all hours of the night.
Our shop is in the middle of the hood. If I go down there at night I will not go without OC'ing.
Couple years back one of the guys came in early before daylight alone. Forgot something in his truck and when he opened the office door to step outside he was hit in the face with a 2x4 knocking him to the ground.
He was hit again twice in chest while on the ground before he was able to get a pistol out of his pocket and fired one time at the guy.

He spent the day in the hospital getting his face stitched up and x rayd.
2 days later the local PD found a man dead with a single gun shot wound about 4 blocks away from where this happened.

If this had happened 2 weeks prior it probably would have been reversed. The pistol he shot the guy with was a P11 keltec I had just sold him. He owned other guns but had never carried a pistol on him before then. Im sure it saved his life, or saved him from a severe beating.

Carrying is the responsible thing to do.

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal. Aldo Leopold .. (except when it comes to trailer tags)