Why should the offense be allowed to control substitutions?

Because they have the ball. Your team can control it when they get the ball. But as someone else has said how is changing the rules so that the defense gets to control the pace of play any more fair? Just because you guys like defense more than the no huddle? Yeah that makes sense.

If the offense substitutes the defense can substitute.

Exactly. So what's unfair about that? The offense cannot substitute any more than the defense. If your defense can't hang in there then recruit better players. Train and condition them better.

What this is all about is that you have these coaches like Saban that like to stick different defensive packages out there every other play depending on the situation. Like these big 350 pound tush hog defensive linemen that are great for stopping one obvious run play but you can't leave them out there for 3 consecutive plays or they will need coronary bypass surgery. But where does this notion come from that the offense is obligated let a defense substitute every other play just because that's the optimal situation for the defense?

And as others have already said, it's not like the HUNH is unstoppable. Auburn doesn't score every possession or win every game. Neither does any one else that runs it. Teams stop it all the time. Auburn had a good year this past season but they still lost 2 games and could have easily lost 3 more games. That doesn't sound like a team that has a system in place that is giving them an unfair advantage to me. Now if they had beat everyone they played by 40 points you might have a better case. Didn't happen.

Alabama and Saban has recruited so much talent that they are 3 deep at every defensive position and they want to constantly rotate it onto the field to get maximum effect. Good for them but why should the rules be changed to insure they can do it? Just because it would be best for them and really help them out? That's why the rules of football exist? To help out teams with really deep rosters on defense? What's next, after the offense lines up and gets set the officials stop play and ask the team on defense if they would like to make a different substitution now that they know what formation the offense is in? Why not. No more blatantly biased move than the current one.

Last edited by Todd1700; 02/15/14 12:31 PM.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren