I went with my dad to hang a stand for me to bow hunt out of but had to cross soapstone creek. The slickest dang thing u have ever tried to walk on.we got it hung and I was racing back to the truck to drive back to the gate. SPLASH!!!! sitting in the middle of the creek I turn around to see if he saw me.... and of course he did

Fast forward 24 hours and I go to hunt this new stand. He dropped me off 300 yards from the creek at the edge of a big field and said he would pick me up THERE at dark. I was in pines and it was starting to get dark quick and for safety reasons only (a the fact that gill man lived in that creek) i start to get my crap together. On flippin que of my feet hitting the ground a pack of coyotes crank up several hundred yards away. Trent richardson wouldnt have been able to keep up as i sprinted out of that pine thicket!!!!! Down the road i go toward the creek. Remembering that i had failed a speedy crossing the day before i go from a healthy jog to a crawl as I stuck my boot in the water. Its at this point I hear something and look across the creek I see my dad.......he was of course laughing uncontrollably.....

Give me bout 15 more minutes, I was dreamin about beavers..........
Si Robertson