Genetics Shemetics. I'll bet the average south Alabama 3.5 yr old who has good natural forage and or crops to eat will be bigger racked than a 2.5 yr old N AL or TN deer living in marginal conditions.

Genetics and "Cull" deer are the most common excuses used by people with little to no trigger restraint. I've got pics of a NICE mature 8 in Baldwin Co. And a few nice mature 8's, 9's & 10's on our lease in Conecuh County. They all have one thing in common. AGE. They were all allowed to live to express what they can be.

You can have good deer ALMOST anywhere in Alabama if you're willing to wait for them to get old enough. Fertilization of existing browse and summer plots will take care of nutrition, supplemental feeding is USUALLY not necessary, although IM SURE it helps some.