The courts have stated:

... We note that "[s]ection 36 erects a firewall between the Declaration of Rights that precedes it and the general powers of government, including the authority to exercise judicial power, that follow it." Ex parte Cranman, 792 So. 2d 392, 401 (Ala. 2000). Sections 1 through 35 of Article I set out basic and fundamental rights guaranteed to all Alabamians, and § 36 provides that no branch of government has the authority to impair or deny those rights. Section 6 ensures that no Alabamian will be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

The people reserve the right to bear arms... loaded arms. The state cannot trade permission to exercise the constitutional right to hunt for the surrender of a constitutional right to bear arms.

If it goes high enough in court, the Constitution will win.