I have been so blessed in my life with a dad that took my brother and I hunting. We have enjoyed so many days in the woods together, and I will always cherish each and every one! Unfortunately we don't get to all get together and hunt as much as we used to, but I love the times when we do. My brother and I are in a club together and were both off today and took Dad with us. Beautiful morning in the woods and I placed him just below me in a shooting house that does have a field in front of it but more importantly overlooks a beautiful hardwood bottom. I climbed a tree and was very hopeful that someone would see something, and sat back and enjoyed a great morning of being in Gods creation with my family. My dad was only about 500 yds down the bottom from me and around 8 a.m.; I heard the boom that I had been waiting on. I sat for a few minutes to see if he may spook something by me, and 5 min later a doe come easing through. I waited as long as I could and then climbed down to meet up with him. He had walked back to where we had split up and was sitting by a pine with a big smile on his face. I said come on let's go get him; I want to see him. He has killed a lot of deer and I have been there for many of them, but this was his best buck and I am so blessed to have shared the morning with him! It's been a great year! I haven't killed one on our club yet but my guest are 3 for 3!