Originally Posted By: straycat

Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
While I will agree that I will never know all things about God, I do not like to take the attitude that whatever happens is because God wanted it to happen and he had some grand purpose in it that I just can't understand.

I do know God's will in many areas simply because he has told me in his word. Some things happen because we live in a fallen world and men have free will and make bad choices.

I do believe that God will try to bring about good from any bad situation but that doesn't mean that he orchestrated things so that the bad situation would happen.

I don't think that God wants evil to happen, for people to sin or for bad things to happen. He does love us greatly after all. But I know that he allows evil to exist...he allows people to sin...he allows bad things to happen. The All Knowing, all Mighty, All Powerful, Ever Present nature of God tells me he could stop whatever he wanted to stop. He is Sovereign! He Is Purposeful and Perfect! But these things still occur.

Many get hung up on this and try to figure it out. I spent a number of years approaching it like that. This is where deep Bible study will reveal to us what we NEED to know about the nature of God, His covenants, and many of His purposes. We will gain understanding, gain wisdom, gain insight that we can apply to our lives and impart to others. But we cannot know in entirety.

1 Corinthians 13:12
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

So I have to let go of my own marginal understanding (lean not) and just trust God. Trust Him in His promises.

I know that God allows evil but I believe it is only because we allow evil. God has given us dominion of this world for good or evil until he takes control of it again. At that time there will be no evil, sickness or pain.

The earth is the Lord's but he has given it to us until the appointed time. God's will is done but he works through men and has men to declare his will into the earth.