Originally Posted By: Vulkanman
So when God sent the bears down to kill the 42 boys for calling Elisha "baldhead", did it help Elisha's testimony or help non-believers to believe? I wouldn't think it increased His glory, but it may have purified some believers faith?

I have all kinds of questions. When I was young, people told me to study the Bible and all the answers were in there, but I think it was a cop out, and I got more questions and not so many answers.

You have to be able to rightly divide the word of truth. I believe the major part of that is understanding the differences and dividing the old covenant from the new covenant.

Under old testament law, man had a part and God had a part, when man sinned they suffered the curse. Even then God made a way through sacrifice to protect men from sin( the breaking of the law).

Under the new covenant, the only part man plays is faith. This new covenant is not between us and God. It is between Jesus and God. We are just adopted in through grace, by faith to be joint heirs with Christ.

There is no longer any curse to suffer because of sin. God is not holding our trespasses against us any longer because Jesus has paid the price for them all.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 11/14/13 11:10 AM.