You have to "see" the path thru the deer the head will take and adjust yer exterior hide hit accordingly.

I killed a big old seven point onct that was bedded at 49 yards with a hot doe. He was almost broadside and slightly above me. I ranged him, held low with the 50 yard pin(compound days) and hit him low, angling up. He struggled to his feet and fell, so I put another one in him. He never got back up.

I killed an 1800# Eland in Zimbabwe from a bad angle. He was bedded under a lone tree at 150 yards. 45 degree angle away to the right. Body "rolled" over towards me. I hit him just in front of the right hip, 3/4 way up the body. Bullet found in front of left shoulder. LOTS of penetration, gun was a 375H&H. Eland raced to his feet and was gone, made 200 yards and down running.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one