Originally Posted By: panopticon
simple - let me be clear. blacks come in to upscale white neighborhood. prey on widows and think im not home. (im hiding in back yard with barrel empty, clip loaded...) it gets worse every year. This year we are going to the Church, then a private party... I think having to do this is an abomination... my kids cant enjoy halloween like I did... we lose our heritage everyday because of thugocrat blacks and mexicans. say what you want about white meth heads... they dont come to my street. In fact I never see em unless I go to walmart. damn nigracans and mexigers are all over this time of year.

I'm glad to see that you are full of love for your fellow man, just like Jesus.

As for Halloween, as a Christian why would you want to celebrate the demonic? I give my children candy and anyone who comes around but I'm not going to celebrate the things of Satan and darkness in the name of tradition. Have a fall festival and thank God for all he has provided by giving and sharing but don't celebrate the icons of evil.