Originally Posted By: BartMan79
I haven't seen anything to make me believe it was, or is, ok for someone to call a guy with a mental disability a "window licking retard". I'm sure you guys must have already known for certain at that point that he was making the whole thing up and never really had a stroke, right?

I also haven't seen the post on this forum where Blackhawk was asking for handouts. Could someone link those please? They shouldn't be hard to find since everybody seems to have this figured out already.

And, for the record, I wasn't defending Blackhawk personally. I don't know him, and I told him as much in a private message. If you had ever had someone close to you with a mental disability, and I pray you never do, then it probably wouldn't be so difficult for you to understand my reaction.

First, a stroke is not a mental disability.
Second, I never called him any name. I said he was whining and I thought he was on drugs. I never called him a name. However, I was called a dick be several people and a bunch of names by him.