The property I grew up hunting in central florida was terrifying for me to walk around at when I was a teenager. We had Florida panthers, black bears, gators, hogs, tons of poisonous snakes. It felt like a death trap walking all alone in the dark to a stand. Not to mention the covey of quail and turkey roost spooks. I really only ever had a stand off with a bear which seemed to be a lot more scared of me than I was of it. When he saw each other I put my hands up and tried to look as big as possible and it ran up a tree and started jaw slapping at me.

With all this said it was a sportsmans paradise, a huge diversity of wildlife and habitat, and just about every game animal you could hunt. Super bass fishing as well!

Most scared I've been outside of that property was in georgia. First time at a buddy's place and he just pointed and said go that way and pick a tree. I was coming out after dark and hear a lot of commotion so I shine my flash light up and see hundreds of eyes. I tuck in as close to the biggest tree I could find and wait. After sitting there shaking in my britches for what seemed like forever with these eyes getting closer and closer I hear moooooo. Damn herd of cows. I feel like that something you should mention to a friend when your sending them off into the unknown. Oh yeah buddy there might be some cows in there!