Originally Posted By: hunterturf
I was about 13 and was dropped off by my uncle on the side of a dirt road to hunt a certain field with him going to hunt just a mile or so down the road. I hated hunting here bc it was at the intersection of hwy 41 and a dirt road that always had sketchy activity. Anyway about the time the sun went behind the first limb I decided it was about time to start making it back to the truck because of how long a walk it was going to be (200 yards) I didn't want to miss being picked up. I get back to the dirt road (with about 45 minutes of light left) and start waiting......... I keep hearing something from my hiding location ( bc at this point I'm an escaped convict and can't be seen by anyone who passes by, I'm talking face net and all ) down from me. My mind starts to race on what this frequent walking noise is.... bigfoot??? Coyote???? Gill man???? As dark finally fell on that hellish dirt road it only got worse. Louder and closer. I was losing my mind. Finally my uncle pulled up from the opposite direction the noise was coming from. As I sprinted to get in his truck I heard him say something thru the open door I was about to dive into. There in the headlights were two armadillos coming down the ditch. At that point I vowed to kill everyone I ever saw from that point on

A buddy and I went to south Alabama years ago. We were camping during bow season and had been talking about wild hogs all evening. We were both a little concerned about meeting up with hogs armed only with bows.

We were cooking some Salmon patties and heard them coming at us through the woods. We both grabbed out bows and jumped up on a concrete picnic table so we wouldn't get slashed and got ready to do battle.

About that time two Armadillos ran into the camp and started ransacking everything. They were running around scattering our stuff everywhere, and at such a speed, we just stood there amazed by their antics. They were gone about as fast as they appeared and we just stood there on the table and started laughing, and laughed until we cried.