Originally Posted By: doekiller
You guys are standing up for a man who said he was going to shoot his wife before she threw him out. A man who get on here and post nonsense on everything he post and who threatened another member, yet he gets a pass for a disability he claims? I have known several stroke survivors. None of them acted as strange as Blackhawk. I have known stroke survivors that were driving again quickly. I think he has other issues. If he does not have more control of his emotions and better motor skills than there is no way he should be driving.

You guys never once considered that his wife might have left him for a good reason? Quite frankly, he presents as a opiate user. I have a lot of experience with opiate users and his rambling, self indulgent bullshit sounds just like one of them.

Doe killer, I'm gonna say this once then leave it alone. My mother had a major stroke 4 weeks ago and acts very similar to the way blackhawk does. Her texts ramble and sometimes don't make sense but it damn well doesn't mean she "presents as an opiate user". Now, you may know 100 stroke victims but they each affect people differently. And unless you have met, or spent time with him after his stroke then how in the hell can you sit on your computer and make this kind of post. If I ever hear someone talk about my mother, like you have talked about blackhawk, then they will have a very bad day. Not threatening, and I'm for damn sure not an Internet badass but that's just the facts. This is the most disrespectful post I think I have ever read.