Originally Posted By: BirminghamBuck
Originally Posted By: blumsden
Think about it. On a 400 acre lease, if you have 20 doe's, and they have twin fawns, and half of those are bucks, then you will need to kill 10 to just keep the numbers the same.

I honestly have no idea how you came to 10. It's probably my lack in math skills.

Ha, you are correct - you would have to kill 20 does a year in that scenario to stay the same. However, it is unrealistic. Fawns die and are killed, surviving twin fawns are not the norm and dropping twins is also not the norm. Maybe one surviving fawn per 2 does in hunting season. Maybe 50-60% of the does with fawns and an average of 1 fawn would yield 10 fawns, 1/2 of which are bucks, therefore 5 does killed per year would keep same ##'s. It is still not that simple though!

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine