Bill, I don't think anybody is trying to sell you anything. All I'm saying is that for people (you or anybody else) to say is like shooting fish in a barrel or it shooting cows are obviously people that know nothing about it. Like I said earlier. There are some people that have even claimed it was like being gay, or even like being a deviate or some thing.

It's just a way to better manage your deer and allow them to get old enough to see what they will make. If a guy has several thousand acres, you don't really need a fence to do that or if you have good neighbors that use the same standards of management you like, you don't need a fence, and really you don't NEED a fence at all, but it is legal to do. It is also not "wrong or lazy or gay or sorry or crazy or immoral or sub standard" to do it.

I don't like Volvo's but any one that drives one is not a goober.

"Few things in life are worse than being unarmed or afoot. I have been both."