Originally Posted By: jlccoffee

Originally Posted By: mike35549
2000-2001 season was the first season more does than bucks were killed in the state. Since 2003-2004 season it has been above 50% every year. Ranging between 51% and 58%.

I agree....the numbers don't back up the idea that fewer does are being killed.

The number on does killed has went down but as a percentage of total harvest they have not went down Total deer killed went up a lot in 2000-2001 the increase was almost all a result of the increase of doe harvest. The total harvest along with number of doe killed increased until about 2004-2005 then started a slow decline in total harvest but percentage harvest made of doe has not went down. 2011-2012 season was lowest number of bucks killed in at least the last 28 years.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.