Originally Posted By: mission

I know it causes some folks to go into knee-jerk spasms of anger when money is mentioned in a seemingly derogatory manner, but: Privately owned and managed, pay-to-hunt packages will ultimately become the sole way to hunt...and will spell the ultimate downfall of Traditional American hunting. Only a select group of people will be able to enjoy hunting in decades to come. Hunting on pay-to-go corporations will require a payed Guide, the employ of private Biologist/Game Warden staff, and the cost will be prohibitive to average salaried folks.

May be true, BUT if the current landowner breakdown maintains anywhere near what it is then: 1) average landowner size will stay "small", less than 300 acres say 2) 80% of the state will stay in private landowner hands 3) timber company lands will still focus on growing timber and be poor wildlife habitat. If these stay similar to today, the guides, biologists, warden, etc will not be employed by the average landowner. Most of the private lands I know are owned so that the landowner can hunt and take friends. I believe this will stay as the standard.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine