You can really ruffle some feathers when you start discussing which version is better. I have an NIV and used it for 9 years, but for the past year and a half, as I studied God's Word more and more in groups that used differing versions, I began to see subtle differences in the NIV wording and others. That caused to me start doing a side by side comparison of same verses and realized there IS a difference and that those variations could change the meaning of the scripture in some instances. That caused me to look at other versions much deeper and harder. What I settled on is ESV (English Standard Version) this year.
I will be quick to say that none of us should rely on just ONE version, but to compare them all when trying to discern what the writer was trying to convey.
I also recommend using a Strong's Concordance as well as a companion to doing Bible study. That gives you the EXACT meaning for every word in the Bible and makes a difference in comprehension, or it does for ME, anyway.