They may not freeze where you hunt but where I hunt regular oats are dead and yellow by mid December. That's why I plant the more expensive forage oats.

Originally Posted By: CNC
I’ve got a question…..Why is everyone planting forage oats instead of just plain oats?

I have planted both buck forage oats and just regular coker oats and I’ve not seen a difference. As a matter of fact the oats in the basket from the other thread are just plain oats. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it was my understanding that the forage oat varieties that are commonly sold commercially were more for people in northern climate who’s cold climate would winter kill the regular oats. We don’t really see that happen here in the south so is there really a need for a more costly specialty seed? Do the forage oats do something else besides handle colder temps better?

If you always do what you've always done you always get what you've always got