Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: Bar7Mag
I'm with 49er on this one. I think it's complete bs. These permits they give out to shoot does at night in the summer is just outright wrong. There is no legal statute to allow one person to hunt out of season, at night, and then to just kill and leave laying that's a totally different can of worms.
I am not a fan of the crop damage permits. If a farmer needs his deer herd reduced he should open his land for public hunting through the use of permits and have as many deer as the law allows and is needed to be killed. That way everyone wins the farmer gets his deer killed, people get hunting access and the meat is not wasted.

I think there are other ways around this.... Even if I had a problem with deer destroying my crops.... I would not let complete total strangers come onto my property and hunt deer. Permits or not.... The public can be a harsh and destructive crowd.... and I don't mean just on the deer....

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves...
