I promise smile this is my last post on this thread. Whatever, 49er...

Outdoorobsession, you have a great point. However, I am not attempting to convince anyone... 49er or Coffee, that they should practice QDM on their property. All I am doing is defending the integrity of an organization and philosophy that I believe in.

If you want to practice QDM, in its entirety, partially or whatever.... hey, that's great. If you don't, that's fine too.

It just upsets me when QDM/QDMA is painted into a corner when someone says: "QDMA believes in killing all the does you see!" or "...if you shoot a 2.5 yr old buck, you're looked down upon." (Coffee, I'm not saying you or 49er said either!!!)

I'm glad this thread has brought some recognition to the QDMA. Go to its website and see if it's for you. If so, welcome. If not, happy hunting.

Coffee, as far as your question about the evil metabolic demands on a "healthy" doe when she throws triplets in a "healthy habitat". Well, I think you should not make that doe feel guilty about her choice and her right to have triplets AND if she decides to nurse her fawns in an open, public food plot, that's her right too!! Turn your head if the act of a fawn nursing in public offends you!!

Eclampsia? I recommend that she doesn't drink or smoke or play with hogs during pregnancy and see her biologist on a regular basis for checkups. If the doe can't afford the healthcare, the QDMA has setup free clinics in each of the 67 counties. BTW, 49er/Coffee, these clinics are of no costs to the taxpayer as this program is run by volunteers.

Last edited by Bucktrot; 06/09/13 03:55 AM.