Originally Posted By: droptines
Tell you what 49er, you take a 1000 acre tract of land and I will take the neighboring 1000 acre tract of land - anywhere in the country where whitetail deer live. I'll practice QDM and you manage your tract ignoring all the principles of QDM. I will GUARANTEE you that my tract will have a better balanced deer herd, more older age class bucks, a more intense rut and an overall better hunting experience.

To argue with QDM after 25 years of proven results all over the country is just plain silly.

Oh, and QDM has nothing to do with antlers. Yes, higher scoring deer can be a part of it, but it is more about age, nutrition and a balanced herd. Most true QDM managers view the jawbone and the scale as the measurement of a trophy, not the rack.

Doesn't have to be different properties. You can take your 1000 acres that has huge mature timber ( it can even be pine wink ) , no food plots, too many does and too few older age class bucks. Then you decide you want to implement a few QDM practices, timber thinning, burning program, quality year round food plots, taking does as needed, letting younger age class bucks walk. I'm thinking this is what 1000s of landowners , managers and hunters have done with much success. They see heavier birth weights, heavier mature weights, better overall health, better buck to doe ratio, more older age class bucks and yes, larger antlers. People that have done this and there are many don't need a study to tell them it works!
It's not for everyone, FINE, but to say it doesn't work because one doesn't agree with it is beyond stupid. 49er's not that stupid, he just wants to pick a fight. Still think he should go to the QDMA site and see if those fellows can give him some "data".

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.