only a narrow minded person sees the "crossbow thing" as a one time happening...

the CABs handling of the fall turkey season attempted closures shows the still ongoing probs with the CAB.

The CAB tried to ram the crossbow issue down our throats without popular hunter support and have tried to do the same thing with the fall closures. The CAB was set up to take input from citizen hunters and pass it on to the DCNR. Now the make up their own ideas and push em on the DCNR as if the great populace wanted those things done. Long way from the truth AND the reason the CAB was set up.

Handgun season is all year in Bham Barry....... laugh laugh

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one