Bucktrot - your words in red pal, not mine, "And to tell you the truth, I shoot coons and hogs without regard for the law. I don't even know how many or when I can or can't shoot coons but if I see one, I shoot it for reasons most of us on this forum understand." I just don't like killing stuff just to kill it whether it be a snake, armadillo, coon, bobcat, or coyote, but that's just me. Keep doing it if its legal, no bashing from me. I wish the fur market would rebound so more folks would want to kill some of the aforementioned and do something with them besides just leaving them dead in the woods.

N2TRKYS and ElkHunter made the jump from weapon of choice during any open deer season equating to wanting year round deer season, when my initial comment (to which BSK concurred) was that it shouldn't matter what weapon is used to kill deer in Alabama from 10/15-01/31, as long as you follow the limits stated in the current rule/reg/law. You made the even more ridiculous jump that we just want to shoot 1.5 and 2.5 y.o. bucks and let fawns and duckling die.

No I am not advocating for a year round season statewide and I don't think 49er is either. He was just pointing out that it is in the power of the state to close deer season but it makes no legal/moral sense to close it in an area if the population is such that it is damaging the environment (thus requiring depredation permits where the killer has to leave the animals on the ground for the coyotes and other scavengers - although they got to eat too). I hunt about 25 days a season and am usually ready for it be over long before 1/31 but keep going because my 11 year old likes to hunt more than I do.

Since I don't get on here and thump my chest about how I only kill a certain number of a certain age class of buck you or anybody else on here wouldn't know that I have killed 11 bucks in the last 10 years, one was a 1.5 y.o., the rest have been 3+ with several being 4+. So, what one believes and practices versus what one thinks others should be able to practice that we seem to agree on (probably 49er too, but I have never seen him post what he and his club kills), although some of your statements don't always convey that. It is often your broad brush with hyperbole that comes across as arrogance that I disagree with.

"Any way you look at it, most of the problems facing baboons can be expressed in two words: other baboons" -
D.L. Cheney and R.M. Seyfarth