Originally Posted By: jpippin
Lol. No one is restricting yout rights. They are giving me more rights by allowing me to bowhunt. Get out of here with your anti-gov garbage. Don't hunt if you don't like it.

Seems like you should be all over their "giving" you more rights by allowing you the option of killing a deer with a firearm on Oct 15 instead of making you wait until the Saturday before Thanksgiving to kill a deer with a firearm. There is no difference to the deer - it's dead. Why, as long as you follow the rules pertaining to limits set by the state, does it matter how you kill them or when you kill them? Heck, I think you should be able to kill all 3 bucks in one day and just be done with it and start getting ready for turkey season.

Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
I dont think they are restricting any rights to hunt during the first 6 weeks of the season. I think that they added six weeks to the season for ONLY the use of archery equipment. I look at the glass half full...not half empty.

We are getting six EXTRA weeks where we can enjoy deer hunting without them being pressured by gun shots. In my humble opinion its like...a bonus plan!

Surely you know it ain't the gun shots pressuring the deer, but rather the folks behind the trigger and what they are doing in the woods that is pressuring the deer.

"Any way you look at it, most of the problems facing baboons can be expressed in two words: other baboons" -
D.L. Cheney and R.M. Seyfarth