Originally Posted By: jmj120
Originally Posted By: WmHunter
I would like to see one single documented
case of a game warden writing someone a ticket
for hunting near/over/around bait where the
was more than 400 yards from the hunter.

ONE case. Let's see it folks.

Did you pull the 400 yard figure out of your arse??
I can give you examples of an entire lease being shut down for 3 weeks because of the presence of corn.

No, not from the rearend, it came from commons sense*,
which is something your immature self is lacking.

And you confess that you and your group were a
bunch of outlaw corn hunters during turkey season.
I have no sympathy. Makes me wonder what ya'll were
doing during deer season...

*those with commons sense knew I was referring
to anyone actually TICKETED for hunting *deer*
near corn or other pourable bait when they were
at least 400 yards away. I would like to see the
same for anyone that was at least 400 yards away
from the corn while turkery hunting too....I'm

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter