Originally Posted By: NortonZ7
They use BMI, which is garbage. I request for them to do a body fat analysis. My BMI is high because of muscle mass, but my body fat is only 11% which is in the excellent range. They just use BMI because it's easy (706xbodyweight/ height in inches squared). See if you can request having a body fat analysis done by a professional and send it in.

He's right. I run 35 miles a week and lift 4 days a week. My BMI is 24.9 and my report from our company insurance was "borderline obese". I weigh 172 and am 5' 11". The BMI takes no factor for those that have any muscle whatsoever. I think my hip or waist measurement is what threw me out, can't remember. Those morons weighed us with our clothes, shoes and everything else on which adds at least 2-3 lbs.

I've never been in better shape since high school and I'm pushing 50. It's like a credit report, you need to fight it.

not sure what the best way to handle them is but they shouldnt be on tv and gettn married and raisin kids