Originally Posted By: jchan
All I can say is if you do it, start selling your fishing stuff, and get ready to consider deer season just passing time until turkey season, because IT WILL HAPPEN! It took an act of congress to get me to go....actually 3 years of hounding....I finally caved. I no longer have a boat, no longer fish tourneys, actually sold about $2000 worth of rods/reels/tackle, and I find myself googling turkey stuff while in a treestand when I should be watching for deer. Once hooked, it is unlike anything you have ever gotten into.

BTW....if you like pickled feet, you should try pickled pig lips...I did on a dare...if you can get more than 3 bites down, you are the man....or very sick!

i quit turkey hunting after 6 years of it. i sucked at turkey hunting but just like before i turkey hunted now i fish everyday again. you must have fished for those gay little bass. who wouldnt stop doing that so they could chase peckerheads around the mountains till 9 am and then be bored for the rest of the day?

Yeah c’mon. Daniel White