Originally Posted By: Big Al
Bed bug bites are usually in a straight line. Something to consider.

Her mother would die!!! I read up on this and Think as regualar as my wife washes the sheets I can rule this out. We are planning on taking her to the doc but it may be the end of the week and I just thought someone might have experienced this and could enlightn me. Its driving me crazy for now, but I think Viral is the most likely canditate. Maybe got in a scrape/scratch, Im just scared to pop one to see if it gets better, because I dont want to make it worse. The post was to see If there was a Doctor on here who could corespond with me on the most likely cause. Apparently some of you overestimated the ammount of How much I actually value the opinion of my Redneck Brethren ON this site.

Its not the will to win but the will to prepare to win!